Construction Contractors

About Me
In Which We All Learn About Construction

Do you know when we first learned the basics about construction? It might sound silly to admit this, but it was not until we had a sun room added onto our home. As the construction workers made plans, sourced materials, and then put up the structure, we were sure to ask a lot of questions and to observe the actions they took. And you know what? We were hooked! From that point on, it has been one of our goals to learn more about construction and contractors. Part of our learning journey has been to create this website and share it with you.


Can A House Survive Without Gutters? 3 Types Of Potential Damage You May Face

27 December 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Everyone knows they need a gutter system around their roof to collect and channel rainwater. However, very few homeowners understand the crucial role that these channels play in improving the home's safety. As such, you might attempt to skip them because they are expensive and don't seem to add to the home's beauty. However, you should carefully consider the damage that rainwater can cause your home before skipping a gutter installation. Read More …

Helpful Tips To Prevent Basement Flooding

8 December 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Flooding can happen to any home, including homes that don't have basements. However, there is even more of a risk of your basement flooding, if you have one. If you'd like to keep your basement dry and prevent water damage, mold growth, and more, then you may want to take these precautions to help prevent basement flooding from ever being a problem for you.  Have Waterproofing Done Many people have waterproofing done on their homes, and this is something you will probably want to do to prevent basement flooding. Read More …

Installing A Pedestrian Canopy On Your Project Site

28 November 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Construction projects that occur near sidewalks or other areas where pedestrians may be found can pose some unique challenges that will have to be addressed in order to keep those in the vicinity safe. A Pedestrian Canopy Can Be An Essential Safety Feature Falling debris is a common threat that these project sites will have to face. Unfortunately, this is a threat that can lead to serious injury to pedestrians, and it can cause the construction contractor to be liable for the injuries that were suffered. Read More …

3 Reasons To Get New Parking Lot Striping

27 October 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

As the owner of a commercial parking lot, you are going to need to have parking lot striping done in the near future. If there are faded parts in some of the lines — or even if there are lines completely missing — you should call for professional parking lot line striping. To have a better handle on why it is that this is so important, you will want to read through the following:  Read More …

Some Tips For Home Remodeling

27 October 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you want to remodel your home and want to avoid as many problems as possible, you will want to continue reading. There are a lot of ways you can ensure that the project will run smoothly and you might even be able to save a little bit of money as well. To help get you started on the right path, you should take a few minutes to review the following tips: Read More …